Empty nester ready to go!

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Empty nester ready to go!

Post by Kennebago » Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:05 am

GREAT INFO. Thank you so much. Recommendations on best travel companies. Have talked to one recruiter after internet search and now after reviewing your info need to consider a second. As most of my friends and family are empty Nester's still in big houses have actually contacted several and would set up a plan to travel and see people I rarely see. Has been received enthusiastically. Have you done that? Husband is staying home due to his job...but this scenario will allow him periodic visits to see all as well. Been married 32 years..we are both seeing as an opportunity to see parts of country we have not yet visited. Am an OT. Recruiter discussed "Clinical liaison" positions for me. Have you done this before? If so what are your thoughts on that? Looking at small tagalong (go easy...small tent on travel frame) to travel to new assignment...not live in. Thoughts? Lastly air BNB..do you have thoughts on use of this system as a housing option? Sorry for all the questions. If you are able and willing to provide travel company recommendations would greatly appreciate. Best..

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Re: Empty nester ready to go!

Post by Hobohealth » Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:29 pm

So many questions in one place! I'll do my best to answer. :lol:

I have never lived with friends while on assignment, but I regularly stitched together roadtrips between assignments to see a bunch of different friends. But, I don't see any reason why if you have friends you could live/visit with for 13 weeks while on assignment why that wouldn't be an awesome idea!

I've never heard of a clinical liaison before.... what is it?

I love the idea of traveling between assignments with a camper. We have a little 1970 Shasta that we love and have owned a couple other campers over the years. When we would go between assignments, we frequently tented in state parks and other campgrounds. I like slowing down the road trips and enjoying the journey in between assignments!

We mostly used Craigslist and local newspaper classifieds(would find them online before getting to an area) for housing. But if there were long-term options on air bnb, I see no reason why that wouldn't work.

I'll shoot you an email with my recruiters' info.

Do let me know if you have other questions! I think it's great to get all the Q and A's out in a public forum to try to help others as well!


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