HOME HEALTH resources

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HOME HEALTH resources

Unread post by Hobohealth » Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:02 am

Home Care is a setting that is frequently open for travel PTs and other contract workers. Home Care comes with certain benefits including the flexibility of the schedule and the chance to be outdoors throughout the day when traveling between patients. However, home care also holds certain clinical challenges that aren't confronted working in any other setting.

Many of the challenges that come with home care are related to the common co-morbid conditions seen in the homebound population and the education that PTs are expected to give on those conditions when they are working in the patient's home. The ACUTE CARE resources on this discussion forum will serve well as clinical resources for diabetes, CHF, COPD, and many other conditions: http://www.hobohealth.com/phpBB3/viewto ... =13&t=5711

The Home Health Section of APTA has a bunch of podcasts on home health specific topics. This is great for home health therapists, because you spend a lot of time in your car and can download the podcasts and listen to them as you drive around during the day: http://www.homehealthsection.org/displa ... iclenbr=37

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