Car Insurance Suggestions?

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Car Insurance Suggestions?

Post by aamart » Wed Nov 23, 2016 3:28 pm

Hello Everyone!

I am a new grad and new travel PT preparing for my first assignment. My current car insurance company is a Michigan-only company, and will charge me substantial fees when I leave the state. Therefore, I'm considering other options. Can anyone suggest a national car insurance company that would be more fitting for those of us who cross a few state lines each year? Any further information or considerations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time!

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Re: Car Insurance Suggestions?

Post by Hobohealth » Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:13 pm

Kate handles most of of insurance stuff, but this is what she tells me:
She just gets quotes online 6 months at a time from the major companies - we usually go with Progressive or Geico.

HOWEVER, ideally you have a tax home, so your car registration would stay in Michigan. You may call to update your insurance company on where your car will be while you are "working temporarily in a different state," and possibly they are OK with that. I always like to highlight this fine point when it comes to insurance, taxes, registrations, and all of that: you LIVE at your tax home, you WORK TEMPORARILY where ever your assignment is. If you are clear on that, any state laws that require you to register you car there within 30 days (or such) of moving there do not apply to you... because you never moved there, you are just working there temporarily.

If you are buying a car in the location you are traveling to, it's a different story and you most likely are registering the car where ever you buy because it is much easier. When the car eventually makes its way back to Michigan, you'll register it there.

Hope this gives you some clarity and not just confusion.

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